Low Cost Flowers Bogota Delivery

How many times have you tried sending flowers in Bogota only to find increasingly high prices?

This is a very common situation.

We want to help you by arranging a series of Low Cost Flower Arrangements for less than COP$89.900 (approximately USD$29.90 and less)

Here at JM Flowers we don't hire other flowershops to produce our Flower Arrangements, hence finding room for lower prices with no intermediaries involved.  

If you want to save more money, you can choose PICK-UP and save on delivery fees. Just give us three hours and your order will be ready. 

USD$2664 (Including tax) USD$4797

In Stock

Earliest delivery: Today
USD$2664 (Including tax) USD$5864
In stock
Earliest delivery: Today
USD$2573 USD$3997
In stock
Earliest delivery: Today
USD$2504 (Including tax)

Only 2 in Stock. Order Soon!

Earliest delivery: Today
USD$1731 (Including tax) USD$2400

In Stock

Earliest delivery: Today
Bonsais a Domicilio en Bogota -39%
USD$1464 (Including tax) USD$2397

Only 2 in Stock. Order Soon!

Earliest delivery: Today
USD$1333 (Including tax) USD$1864

In Stock

Earliest delivery: Today